(( Due to possible lead times to complete the entire registration process, businesses may legally engage in their activities immediately after submitting their applications, however, the registration process must be completed within 2 weeks from the application submission, unless extended by the faction leadership, otherwise, the business may be considered unregistered/illegal and may face in-character penalties.
Please note that the above does not apply to businesses who's registration/licenses have been suspended, revoked or nullified! Also for businesses which previous applications were denied.

Please note that company applications are not related in any way to business applications. Business Applications are completely in-character, whereas company applications are OOC. Click HERE to know more about companies. ))


To pay all the required fees, taxes, etc. the following procedure must be followed:

Go to the City Hall located in Pershing square and locate the "i" icon up the main stairs:


Head inside (Entrance is free) and /paybiz [amount]

Take a screenshot for proof and post it in your application thread.